Sunday, July 1, 2012

What Is the Importance of Corporate Communication?

            Corporate communication or the art of crafting and building brand
 identities and corporate brands has been responsible for the worldwide 
success of American brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald's, 
Wal-Mart, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Apple, Google, General Electric and others.
 Corporate communication helps companies to shape and mould corporate
 presence, identity and reputation in the minds of customers, important 
stakeholders and other audiences. It is important for an organization to
 invest in corporate communication initiatives to perpetuate its long-term 
corporate image and brand identity.

 Because you are the web expert to whom your client has turned for help 
in developing their web site,

you need to be able to guide them through the process of developing a new part 
of their corparate communiations and marketing strategies on the web. To some
 degree, yoou might need to educate them in terms of understanding the web 
medium--its advantages and capabilities as well as its limitations. You need to
 sit down with your client and discuss how you might reinvent the brand in 
the context of the web. In doing so, you must also identify the aspects of the
 brand best suited for the web medim.


       Every company represents and communicates certain things to the 
media and the industry.
Different components of these ideas appeal to people usng the web. You must 
 that you are addressing a certain strata of the consumer based on the online 
Help your client see and understand that the web is a golden opportunity to reach
 different parts of their consumer base and achieve different goals that might 
 not be possible. Interactivity on the web servers as the most obvious advantages 
of creating a
 web site to support a client's corporate communications strategy . For now, 
keep in mind that the web offfers ypour clients a mean to develop a fresh 
component to
 their corporate image__one that can be easily updateds and expanded.

How to Develop a Corporate Communication Strategy

How to Develop a Corporate Communication Strategy thumbnail

Communication is key to successful leadership whether at the corporate level or 
in a small business. A strong communications strategy will ensure that your 
message is receive and understood by your intended audience. According to
lee Froschheiser.
 the president and CEO of Map Consulting (MAP), the six basic functions of
 management are leading, planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and
 Froschheiser states that having a clear communication strategy ties these 
 together and is the most important quality in great leadership. A written 
communication strategy is a document that states your objectives, your goals,
 identifies your audience, offers tools and a timetable, and plans evaluations. A communication strategy encompasses all forms of communication.


      Web site features that take advantages of the web's interconnectivity best 
reinforce the brand. The web site represents an opportunity for a company to
 prove that there's an opportunity for a company to prove that there's something
 behing all of the hype, that tah company is for real, and that it means business.

For the patagonia web site, we determine a need to position the company online 
in a way that differentiated. It from other clothing manufactures.
Creating an online catalog wasnt's an option because other clothing 
already do that We needed to pick out  the brand features that would best be

We had to help Patagonia make the transition into the communication are without allentting its customer, many of whom were already distrustful of the Internet and technology In general.

To achieve our objectives, we decided to show how Patagnia stands for more than
just clothing sales. The web sites was used to illustrate the humannitarian of  and 
environmental aspects of the company. We dissussed how the company uses
 organic materials and howmonorganic crop harvesting damages the environment
 because of all the chemicals and pesticides of its profits to certain environment 
protoction organizations.
We wanted ro show how Patagonia is a company with a conscience while
 emprowering and enlihtening visitors with informations.

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